The Newest Unconventional Antho set in a gang-ridden Chicago
With stories by TA Chase, Jambrea Jo Jones, Stephani Hecht, Amber Kell and Devon Rhodes!
Now available at Totally Bound, Amazon, ARe, etc
Christmas of White
Now Available for early download!
The Single Release of my Unconventional in Atlanta story
An Unconventional Antho Set in Atlanta at the GRL hotel!
With stories by Carol Lynne, Amber Kell, TA Chase, Jambrea Jo Jones, Stephani Hecht and Devon Rhodes
Rough Awakening single release ebook
Sequel to Rough Riders, Now Available at Total-E-Bound!
Book Three in the Vampires & Mages & Weres, Oh My! series
Now Available at TEB!
Through the Red Door
Vampires & Mages & Weres, Oh My! Series Book Two at Total E Bound
A Pint Light
Vampires & Mages & Weres, Oh My! Series Book One at Total-E-Bound
Special GRL Anthology!
With Stories by Carol Lynne, Amber Kell, TA Chase, Jambrea Jo Jones, Stephani Hecht and Devon Rhodes!
A Ring and a Promise Single E-Book
Now available at TEB!
Now Available!
At Dreamspinner Press
The sequel to One Wild Wish
Available now at Dreamspinner Press
One Wild Wish
At Dreamspinner Press
Making His List
At Dreamspinner Press
From the Gaymes Anthology, Now Available as a Single E-book
At Total-E-Bound
Now available in Audio!
Listen to an excerpt!
Pride and Joey
At Total-E-Bound
A Detour Home
AtTotal E Bound
Silver and Gold
At Dreamspinner Press
Devon started reading and writing at an early age and never looked back. After a creatively-sapping career in the business world, she gratefully took some time off to be at home. At 39 and holding, Devon finally figured out the best way to channel her midlife crisis was to morph from mild-mannered stay-at-home mom to erotic romance writer.
She lives in Oregon with her family, who is (mostly) understanding of all the time she spends on her laptop, aka the black hole.
Devon also writes M/F romance under the pen name Stacey Lynn Rhodes.