Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Why Can't I Read This (Supposedly Awesome) Book??

Some of you know by now that I'm pretty organized. So I have an intricate filing system that works for me, even with my reading library. Books I've bought (or won), but not yet read, sit in the "Want To Read" folder until I'm done reading them. Then they either get deleted (if I think I'm not going to read it again..sadly that does happen) or filed in the appropriate subfolder (by genre/gender combo/author/series if applicable).

I give myself little rewards after I reach goals by, you guessed it, letting myself choose something to read from that WTR (or more commonly TBR) folder. Finish an edit? Read a novella. Write a chapter? Read the next in the a series. Etc, etc.

So this week I was ready for a read and thought, okay, I'll read the oldest TBR. So I opened it...and just couldn't get into it.


Yes, this was about the fifth (not joking..I'd say at least fifth, maybe more) time I've tried to start this particular book. I bought it almost two years ago. Why don't I just delete it? Well, a part of me wants to, just to get it over with. But this book is by an iconic, favorite author in the MM genre, and people (readers, writers, bloggers, reviewers, etc) gush about the author in general and this book in particular. But I just. Can't. Read. It.

I have no idea why. I'm patient enough to wade through muck to get through other less acclaimed books just fine. I can make it through some truly icky submission evals. But this book just defeats me every time.

Maybe it's because it is so vaunted. After all, a book so highly regarded should pull you in from the get-go, right? I know a slow build can turn into the "best book ever!" Some of my all-time favorite books get off to a "slow" start...think Caught Running or Faith and Fidelity or Promises. I should really give it a shot, but can't seem to get over the hump, so to speak.

Has this ever happened to you? Any suggestions? I will have bought this two years ago in April, and I do NOT want a two year old TBR in my folder, so any and all over-the-hump help is appreciated! :)


  1. Yeah that actually has happened to me. The best thing I can say is maybe make yourself read it for a certain amount of chapters and don't stop, maybe you will get into it enough that you won't want to stop reading. I have so many books I haven't read yet, some I've probably forgot to read. Sometimes I like to go through the old ones I haven't read. When I don't want to buy any trying to save money, lol I've actually done that and have read some great books and then I wondered how come it took me so long to read it in the first place. A lot of times I'm just not in the mood to read a certain book and pick it up later and I've read it.

    1. I have thought that I might want to take the opposite tack and punish myself by reading it, lol. Or treat it like a textbook assignment in college...you know, put it off as long as possible then sit down and force yourself to plow through it. Or yeah, give myself until after Chapter Three before I let myself stop. :) Thanks Lee!

  2. This may seem harsh but I'd just give up if I were you and delete the book! I came to the conclusion a while ago now that life is just too short to read books that I don't like and I'm becoming more brutal at DNFing a book I'm not getting on with.

    Plus tastes are different. I've disliked books which have had almost universal appeal and loved books which have been hated by the majority. You shouldn't feel bad just because this is a popular author/book because there may just be something is the style of writing that doesn't gel with you. Maybe try a different book of theirs instead or stick to authors that you know you connect with.

    I have books on my TBR pile that have been there waaaay longer than two years. Hmmmm, perhaps I need to get to those soon :).

    1. I know, right? Only so much reading time, really, and there are so many books and authors I DO like. It occurred to me this morning (after finally giving it some conscious thought) that the author writes in both a subgenre and POV that aren't my faves. Probably the combination is enough to put me off from the start. Still, it's a good suggestion to try another book. Maybe I'll do the one thing guaranteed to make me WANT to read the book...buy the second book in this series and read it first. :)

  3. Not all authors/books work for everyone! :) I'd create a new folder and save such books there - something that doesn't work for you now might in five years, but you won't have it or know if you delete it!

    1. That's a great point, Chris! You know I've been struggling with my TBRs for a while now, lol. I'm finally getting them under control--less than two dozen now, can you believe it? And this one sticks out like a sore thumb, date-wise. Makes the (very large, borderline OCD) orderly part of my brain crazed!

  4. I have 2 books like that. I bought the first and second book in a series because everyone just RAVED about it! It was in a genre I enjoy, it had a blurb that worked for me below the surface and I just...I WANTED to read this series. I got through the first page of the first book and couldn't keep going. I've since tried to read it, especially since it keeps getting RAVE reviews and it's now even a NYT Bestseller. I can't do it. It makes me want to hurl my Kindle across the room every time I try. So, I give up. I feel for you not being able to get through the book you've been trying to read. I'd say it's just time to move on...

    1. You poor thing, I so understand where you're coming from. And the fact that the start to a nice hunker-down reading session with two books in a row is at your fingertips...arrgh!

      On the plus side, every time I start this book, I end up going back to doing edits instead, so it's really a good thing for the EDJ. LOL!

  5. Um... You would have a breakdown with my TBR of 800+!

    1. Man, I think mine was close to that about 6 months ago when I first tackled it. I'll have to go back and look at that blog post. But once I whipped through the shorter ones, filed the ones I'd actually already read (and books in series where I'd need to go back and re-read the priors), and ruthlessly deleted ones that were definite no-go's, I've really whittled it down. So proud. :)

    2. Okay I didn't specifically say how many in my June post, but I remember it was on the high side of three digits. So from (let's say) 700ish down to two dozenish? Feels awesome. :) And the cherry on top would be if I could get through this damn *almost typed the author's name* book!!

  6. So I've dithered and weighed all the suggestions...and I really did think about everyone's points. :) I think I'm going to create a separate folder called "Maybe Someday". First off, that satisfies my waste-not-want-not upbringing. Plus it won't be in my face every time I go looking for something to read. And "maybe someday" I'll be in the mood to see what the fuss is all about. I doubt it'll be anytime soon, but you never know! :) Thanks everyone!


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