Saturday, September 12, 2009


I spent some creative time today working on my website, adding a Works In Progress section, which forced me to think about and clarify the status and descriptions of my manuscripts and ideas. I think that in the long run, this will prove to be time well-spent, above and beyond having a new page for the site. In addition to letting people know what's on the way, it will (hopefully) help me to track my ideas, give me a convenient place to flip through to decide what to work on next, and motivate me to move these from the WIP page to the My Books page.

Also managed to get through a tough transition scene in my current WIP, Rough Riders, which takes me to 12K, and sets me up for the remaining three major scenes. If I get through a scene a day, I can actually have this in on schedule by 9/15. I'm sure my editor is happy to hear that!


  1. Love the new WIP page on your site! Damn, you're good at writing blurbs. And congrats on your progress with Rough Riders!

  2. I just chek out your site just now - I love your work in progress list. I'll be keeping my eyes on them....

    I love abe and geoff story... sounds right up my street..



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